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Real Busy Dads.

​Real Results.


Stu's Story

"I was well into my fitness before becoming a dad and a lot leaner back then, but like a lot of us dads out there...it slipped away before I had a chance to take control of it. I recognised I needed some extra help and support, so I signed up with Martyn.

​I did his 12-week transformation program, and it was unbelievable with the results I achieved from that. I look and feel like a completely different person. The program is very simple to follow and not hard to implement into your day-to-day lifestyle. The accountability quick-fire check-ins are so helpful in keeping you on track when you have a wobble.

I would recommend this program to any dad struggling with his weight or overall health. Look on it as an investment in yourself - because it is!"


Dan's Story

"I personally knew Martyn and heard about his new body transformation program - The Fit Dad Diet. It intrigued me because I realised it was different from anything else I had ever tried and failed with in the past for my body and health goals.

Martyn claimed that you didn't have to step foot in a gym and you could eat junk food, but still lose a considerable amount of weight in 12 weeks in a way that helps you change your unhealthy habits and behaviours, turning them into newer, healthier habits.

Well, I hate the gym, and I'm a fan of junk food and a few pints of beer at the football and rugby. Honestly, this program was a GAME CHANGER for me. I lost over 14kg in 12 weeks without doing vigorous exercise or giving up any foods I love.

On top of that, I understand my body better now and have new, healthier habits and behaviours to implement into my lifestyle. I would definitely recommend this program. Easy to follow as well!"


James' Story

"I was that dad who was approaching my mid-30s who started to let it all slide, diet, activity, etc. I didn't really have a great deal of weight to lose, just pockets of fat here and there, a typical dad, bod, I guess. I tried and failed to address it on my own but couldn't stick with any type of action plan I created.

I knew I had to reach out for help and stumbled across Martyn's program via a friend. Honestly, it is up there with the best money I have spent! I literally had abs popping come to the end, and my muscle mass had increased. I feel I have more zest for life now, which transfers over into every part of my lifestyle - work, family, friends, wife, and most importantly, my children. I would definitely recommend working with Martyn to help achieve your body goals."


Callum's Story

"When I started Martyn's program, I had three children, and one was only literally days old! I knew how hard it was going to be with my little one and other two children, but I had to invest myself in the program for them just as much as me.

I weighed 85kg and had a BMI of 28.8. With Martyn's help & support, along with the accountability factor of having somebody review my food diary and daily step count, I started losing weight much faster than I could have imagined. At the end of the 12-week program, I had lost 14kg, and my BMI was back within the recommended healthy range at 23.5!

Martyn's app is really easy to use, and we communicated daily using the app's built-in messaging service. The weekly schedule is all set out for you, and there are plenty of information videos/tips on health & nutrition along the way. It's been 2 months since I finished with Martyn, but the habits that I picked up with him are still with me, and I can't see myself returning to my old ways anytime soon, if ever!

Overall, I recommend it to any dad looking to get into shape and generally feel better about themselves."


Liam's Story

"I am a qualified gym instructor, so the knowledge of what to do to get a great body transformation isn't the issue for me, but the motivation and accountability are! I needed extra support and accountability to push me for the 12 weeks in transforming my body.

Martyn provided everything and more that I needed over the 12 weeks. The motivation, support, and knowledge you receive are second to none for what you pay. The amount of value you get for the money is incredible.

If you're on the fence about jumping in and signing up, I'd definitely sign up ASAP! I lost 10kg over the 12 weeks, and I'm in an amazing place right now physically and mentally 10 months down the line of finishing my 12-week program. My lifestyle has been completely transformed, allowing me to be the best dad I can be both physically and mentally. Working 1-2-1 with Martyn was great fun, with some great banter as well!"


Tom's Story

"I had been following Martyn on social media since he was a guest on a podcast I subscribe to. His approach to health and fitness resonated with me as someone with a busy work life and family. I chose his program because I wanted guidance and the added accountability to get back in shape after 4 years of yo-yo-ing with my weight since becoming a parent.

I found the program really easy to adhere to despite my busy work and family life. Even with two gym sessions per week. I managed to lose 10kg during the 12 weeks and, perhaps more importantly, developed habits to maintain health & fitness as a staple of life, no matter how busy it gets. I'd recommend Martyn and the program to anyone who wants to develop good habits or get in shape."


Ken's Story

I'm not sure how long I have been overweight. I knew deep down that for me to be a happier person and to give more to my children as a healthier, happier dad, I had to address my weight and go about it in a different way than I had ever tried before. The question I asked myself is, what method do you choose to get yourself back on track for the long term? I mean, you hear so many different things within the dieting and fitness industry, and sometimes we're not sure what to believe or which way to turn.

Luckily, I stumbled upon Martyn through some work we did together outside of his coaching at a college. The way he talked about fitness and nutrition and the way he viewed weight loss for busy dads inspired me to take action and work with him. I wanted to completely transform everything from eating healthier, walking more, and lifting weights. Martyn's challenge taught me everything I needed to know and helped me trim down the belly. Even after the challenge had finished, I'm still keeping it all up. I feel this is my new way of life, and it's here to stay!"


Murray's Story

"I'm a busy guy with a demanding job in the commercial banking sector. I always kept myself in half-decent shape until my mid-40s, but then I noticed things slipping.

Outside work, I help manage my son's teenage football team. One day, the reality kicked in as my son ghosted past me in training. It wasn't that I was getting too old! It was actually more that I was getting too slow and fat to keep up. I needed to take action and quickly...

The next day, I spoke with a friend who recommended Martyn, and I made contact with him. I was sold instantly. His approach is completely different from anything out there. I love that I didn't have to give up any food and drinks because having a social life is a huge part of my personal and work life with clients and colleagues.

I wasn't looking at losing loads of weight, more rediscovering my fitness, getting firmer around the pecks, and getting shot of those pockets of body fat that had started popping up from nowhere. I highly recommend working with Martyn and jumping on his challenges and programs."

Darren's Story


"I've known Martyn from the local football scene for a few years. My story, I guess, is like most dads out there. Life, work, family, and kids catch up with us when we don't have our guard up. It's easier to slip into those unhealthy habits.

My transformation surprised me considering the fact that I had a weeks holiday in the middle of it in Spain and I wasn't particularly strict with my diet. Martyn has taught me how to balance out my lifestyle better, and I've still kept the weight off months down the line."


Stacey's Story

"Years ago, back in my 20s and 30s, I was in decent shape. I played a good level of amateur football and could outrun most players I came up against. When 40 hit me the wheels started falling off.

I can not recall the exact day when I started making poorer decisions about my diet and talking myself out of doing any exercise. Before I knew it, I was out of breath taking the stairs, my energy was shot to pieces, and I was also lacking self-confidence with my appearance.

My daughter had just started getting into football, and I wanted to enjoy playing football with her, but I just felt so unfit. I also felt that I wasn't being a great role model either. So, with that self-realisation, I jumped on Martyn's program - absolutely amazing the results I attained from it. My energy was through the roof and my fitness was on another level. I felt like I was back in my 20s when playing football with my daughter, and now I know that she looks up to me as a more fit, healthier, and active dad."


Marc's Story

"I was extremely overweight, unfit, and I loved a beer or 10 on a night out. My weight was over 110kg, and I was becoming a ticking time bomb with my health. Martyn's program got me intrigued, I liked what message he sent out to dads on the importance of living a healthier lifestyle for yourself, your family and most importantly your children.

I signed up, and 12 weeks later, for the first time since I can remember, I'm under 100kg, in fact, around 97kg now. Martyn gives you the help, tools, and support you need to wrestle back your health from your former self. What is more astonishing is how easy it was to do once given the correct guidance.

I've now finished the 12 weeks, and I believe I have the tools now to further my progress on my own because 90kg is the next target. Sign up, and you will not be disappointed. Working with Martyn was great as well. He genuinely cares deeply about all his clients and the results they get."

The Lean Body Blueprint

The Lean Body Blueprint helps parents regain their health and confidence for themselves and more importantly their children.




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